The Way Businesses Boost Customer Experience in the Digital Era

Look how Emotional Artificial Intelligence really can increase the customer experience and affect your business growth!

Marcel Siswanto
4 min readFeb 13, 2022
Photo by Neil Hammerton on Techerati

Have you ever used a chatbot service but did not get the treatment you wanted? Do you feel that the system does not understand you? Slow response? The system does not understand your problem? Is the answer not satisfactory?

You are not alone, we also feel the same! Even voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant cannot deliver accurate outputs. They are not as intelligent as we think.

Imagine if there is an innovation in the future that can know your current mood, situation, activities, Etc. They are sensitive to how you feel and respond the way you want them to. It sounds exciting, right! Unfortunately, chatbots are still unable to understand and respond to user feelings due to a lack of emotional intelligence.

To put how rapidly AI is growing in context, a Pew Research Center study reports that by 2025, AI and robotics will permeate most segments of daily life. However, for some time now, many have been working on the alchemic pursuit of making algorithms more human, mainly to improve the customer experience.

Several AI companies have launched chatbots with emotional intelligence and are trying their best so that these chatbots can convey and respond as accurately as possible to each different customer. However, in reality, nothing is perfect. They seem to have to try even more complex for this.

Emotional AI refers to technologies that use affective computing and artificial intelligence techniques to sense, learn about and interact with human emotional life. It is a weak form of AI in that these technologies aim to read and react to emotions through text, voice, computer vision, biometric sensing and, potentially, information about a person’s context.

How does emotional artificial intelligence feel applied to chatbots to make another level of customer experience in answering their needs?

Personalized Interaction
The system will detect your communication style and adjust it to the response given. This will increase the user’s convenience in interacting with the chatbot.

Photo by OkRan Jeong on Tech Science Press

With this feature, EI chatbots can also collect data with emotional responses and understand the wishes of different users. This will support a business to increase sales tailored to each customer’s needs and overcome the problems that each customer is facing.

Expression Sensitivity
The system will detect your feelings or mood when interacting. This can be done by detecting customer expressions with webcam (facial) and microphone (voice intonation) features.

Photo by Aarushi Ramesh on

This will help identify anger, joy, sadness, disappointment, surprise, Etc. You can check this video for a demo: Emotional Intelligent Chatbot (AI, IoT, ML) — YouTube.

Customer’s Data Analysis
The system can detect purchase history, profile, and customer activity. With this, the handling of problems faced by customers will be faster.

An example is when a customer has a problem with the product or system used, the chatbot will detect the customer’s last activity on the related product. It will be easier for chatbots to provide solutions related to customer needs because it is according to their wishes, without them explaining it in detail again.

Complex Problem Solving
From the data that has been obtained, the system will be connected to find an appropriate solution to the problem. Problem solutions can come from the history of solving the same problem in the previous time or through problem solutions that have been stored in data storage.

The system will utilize the algorithm’s workings to connect solutions to complex problems. This will make the work faster, more precise, and more effective.

Fast Response
Besides solving complex problems correctly, the system is also fast in responding to customers. The system does not require breaks and queues of customer numbers. Companies can stay ahead in the competition by serving the customers in real-time and enabling them with the best solutions.

Provide Alternatives
The system can detect if the customer is not satisfied with the answer given and the system is no longer able to provide an appropriate solution, then the customer is directly connected to real-time and real-human customer service.

Of course, the customer service has access to the history of their problems with the chatbot, so there is no communication twice, which makes the customer annoyed. So, the customer service only has to offer solutions to problems and invite customers to discuss.

If this kind of chatbot exists in the future, it will help our customers and make another level of customer experiences. This innovation can make the customer more loyal to the service, and the business can have much time to focus on the solution to answer customers’ needs, develop the products, expand the market, and sustain the business. What do you think? Do you have any future innovations that can apply to growing the business? Share your thoughts and let’s discuss!

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Marcel Siswanto

A mathematics student who has a high desire to promote digital transformation. #Digitalization4Change!